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At-Home Care for Orthodontics – Enfield, CT

Keep Your Smile in Great Shape

Once you embark on your journey with braces, clear aligners, or other forms of orthodontia, you will have to implement some changes to your daily routine. Your compliance with at-home care for orthodontics will reduce the risk of harm to both your oral tissues and your oral appliances. What specific steps should you take to keep your smile in great shape? This page contains some practical tips. If you would like more personalized guidance, call one of our offices, which are located in Enfield and Suffield, CT, and in Westfield, MA.

How to Brush and Floss

Be sure to gently brush all of your teeth’s surfaces, including around your braces.  Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle so you can clean your enamel as thoroughly as possible.

Flossing can be a bit tricky because of your arch wires, but it should still be performed once or twice a day. You can use a floss threader or orthodontic floss pick to clean the spaces between your teeth. You could also try using a WaterPik (or any generic brand oral irrigator) to clean out debris from hard-to-reach areas.

Foods to Avoid

If you have braces, you may need to temporarily avoid some tasty treats. For example, sticky foods like caramels and taffy could cling to your braces and increase your risk of tooth decay. Popcorn is another risky choice because unpopped kernels could damage your teeth, and hulls could get stuck around your braces. Hard foods, like peppermint candies, could also cause damage. Foods like carrots, apples, and tough meats should be fairly safe as long as they are cut into small pieces before you consume them.

If you have clear aligners, feel free to eat any food in moderation.

Foods You Can Eat

Soft, easy-to-chew foods are generally best for individuals who are undergoing orthodontic treatment. They can minimize discomfort and come with little risk to your orthodontic appliances. Here are some examples of options that are generally considered safe:

Retainer Care

After you finish your treatment with braces or clear aligners, you will need to take steps to maintain your results. At first, you will need to wear a retainer full-time. To keep your retainer in good shape, you should:

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