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April 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 3:28 pm

To Our Family of Patients:
Recently the Governor of Massachusetts has pushed back the reopening date to May 18th and the Governor of Connecticut has extended their date to May 20th. While dental offices are considered “essential” businesses, all of the dental offices in these states are trying to comply with this order so that PPE can be preserved for frontline healthcare providers fighting COVID-19. Therefore, with the exception of emergencies, our offices will stay closed until then. Our Westfield office plans to reopen on May 18th and our Enfield office will reopen on May 20th. If you do have an emergency, PLEASE call any of our offices. Heather and Stephanie are receiving calls while working from home and will contact me.

Also, when we do reopen, you will have a very different experience with our office since we are implementing protocols to further enhance disinfection and promote patient safety. There will be plexiglass shields at the front desk between yourself and the ladies at the desk. We will be limiting seating in the reception areas, asking that only the patient come in and the families remain in the car. If a parent or guardian feels that they must accompany the patient or if we require your presence, we will ask that only one person do so. If the patient has a mask, we urge them to wear it while in the office and remove it only at the time we begin actual treatment. (If your child feels awkward about wearing one, tell them “everyone is doing it.” We are too and they will fit right in!) When the patient comes in, we will be taking their temperature with an infrared forehead thermometer scan and then having them wash their hands.

Additionally, you will see that our staff has a “new look.” Gone are the tie dye shirts and they have been replaced with scrubs, gowns, double masks and face shields. (But yes, I am holding fast to my orange Crocs!) We are disinfecting the high touch points in the office throughout the day and will be fogging the office at night with hospital-grade disinfectant.

While in orthodontics, we generally are dealing with a healthy, younger population, all of these measures are out of an abundance of caution to keep everyone safe. Through it all, we will be engaging the patients in conversation, laughing with them and making all of these measures seem not so scary.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you back in our offices and sharing stories about what you have been doing (or not doing) and getting back to working on your smiles! Until then, Stay Safe, Chin Up, Smile and God Bless.

Dave Cordes


April 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 4:43 pm

Following guidance from the President’s COVID-19 Task Force, and the Governor of the state of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Dental Society has strongly requested that all dental offices postpone non-urgent office visits until May 4th. Currently the Governor of Connecticut is requesting that dental offices stay closed until April 22nd. At the time of this writing, we expect that Connecticut may extend that deadline to be in line with neighboring Massachusetts and the President’s request of early May. Therefore, all of our offices will plan to reopen together on May 4th unless statewide restrictions are lifted early or extended. Everyone should receive a call or email with a new appointment in the next few days. We will have a stand-by assistant for all offices to handle emergencies by appointment, and Dr. Cordes is available as well.

Heather and Stephanie will still be available by email and by phone during regular office hours to handle questions or concerns. Everyone that we have reached out to the first time around to move appointments has been VERY understanding. THANK YOU! When we are allowed to reopen we will be extending office hours and also seeing patients on days we normally would have been closed in order to accommodate people.

I miss all of the people that come into our office. I miss your stories of how your day is going, the smiling faces and my staff which is like part of my family.

See you soon,

Dave Cordes


March 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 8:40 pm

The outbreak of COVID-19 has prompted the Massachusetts Dental Society to strongly request that we postpone non-urgent office visits. Our Westfield office will be closed from March 17th and our Connecticut offices will be closed beginning March 18th. We will be reopening tentatively on March 7th. We have already spoken with a few people who will need to be seen next week, and everyone else should receive a call or email with a new appointment in the next few days. We will have a stand-by assistant for all offices to handle emergencies by appointment, and Dr. Cordes will also be available for any urgent matter.

Our front staff will still be available by email and by phone during regular office hours to handle questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding!

Coronavirus – What Our Team Is Doing to Help Keep You Healthy

March 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 10:19 pm

Dear Patients, Parents, and Caregivers,

The health and well-being of our patients is our top priority, now and always. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, we are closely following and adhering to precautions advised by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Massachusetts and Connecticut Departments of Public Health, the American Dental Association, and the Massachusetts and Connecticut Dental Societies.

We want to assure you that we are taking continuous steps to ensure that our offices remain a safe place for every patient. It’s important for you to know that dentists are leaders in infection control. The precautions we take every day will also help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

We follow Universal Precautions developed by the CDC to protect both health care personnel and patients. We sterilize all instruments after each use and clean each dental operatory after each patient visit, using surface disinfectants that kill all known infectious diseases, including coronavirus. Dedicated hand washing and one-time use disposable materials also help maintain a safe environment for our patients. Our staff are regularly trained in these procedures. Additionally, at this time, we are increasing the frequency of disinfection in the main waiting areas as well as removing magazines and other high-touch items.

Our office remains open to care for our patients following the above guidelines. As always, if you have a fever, are coughing, or are exhibiting symptoms of respiratory illness, you may be a risk to other patients or staff members. Even if you believe you have allergies, if you or your child are actively coughing in the office, we will ask you to leave and reschedule your appointment. If you are experiencing a fever (greater than 100.4), cough, or shortness of breath, please remain at home and contact your primary care physician immediately.

***We ask that only one person-any parent or caregiver-accompany the patient into the office in order to properly reduce congestion.

If you would like to reschedule an upcoming appointment or talk through any concerns, please feel free to contact our office. Updates will be on our Web Blog, Facebook and by email.

Phone: 413-562-8100

For the most up-to-date information and guidance, please visit the CDC website at

Thank you or your help.
Dr. David Cordes and Staff

Happy 75th Fluoride!

February 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 2:49 am

2020 is an impressive year. It marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day , a world-wide civic celebration recognizing the importance of taking care of the environment. It is also the 75th anniversary of community water fluoridation. In 1945 Grand Rapids Michigan became the first community to fluoridate their drinking water (not to be confused with Flint, MI which had lead in their water- different mineral). Despite current skepticism over whether communities should continue to add fluoride to public drinking water, there are some positive statistics that stand today with years of research backing them. Here are some myths that have been busted.

1) People get fluorosis from drinking fluoridated water. Fluorosis happens when children with developing teeth consume too much fluoride from any source, and those teeth erupt with white lines or streaks. The ADA notes that “The type of fluorosis found in the United States has no effect on tooth function and may make the teeth more resistant to decay.” Once teeth erupt you cannot develop fluorosis. To prevent fluorosis, you may want to use baby formula mixed with non-fluoridated water, watch younger children so that they do not swallow toothpaste, and make sure your dentist and pediatrician know if your water is fluoridated before taking fluoride tablets.
2) Fluoride causes cancer: In 2015, the U.S. Public Health Service lowered the recommended level of fluoride in water from 1.0 (in Massachusetts) to .7 parts per million. This was in response to the availability and use of other fluoride rinses, toothpastes and fluoride supplements that people may take to reduce the build up of fluoride in the body. Shown in animal testing, excessive fluoride can build up in the bones and in growth plates, especially in male rats, causing osteosarcoma. The American Cancer Society has collected studies over the last 25 years, and has not identified any direct correlation between communities with drinking water and an increase in cancer or cancer risk in humans. This is not to say that consumption of high levels of fluoride from other sources combined does not cause an increased risk.
3) Why fluoridate water in communities if adults do not need it? A big debate is whether the risk of fluoride in drinking water out weighs the benefits to children with developing teeth. A report by Medical News Today in 2019 looked at an Alaskan community that decided to eliminate fluoride in its drinking water and study what happened over time. Backing up findings by the ADA, in a 9 year period, they found that there was a 25.2% increase in cavities in this community, despite the availability of fluoridated rinses, toothpastes and supplements. They also noted that the cost to families for cavity treatment rose by 73%. The benefit of fluoride to strengthen the enamel in unerupted teeth, and to remineralize the enamel in erupted teeth creates healthy teeth that last a lifetime. 2/27/20 2/27/20 2/27/20 2/27/20

Thankful Thoughts

November 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 9:30 pm

In the orthodontic office, it isn’t always front and center the things we are thankful for, and what a better time than the present to share some of our favorites.

1) We are thankful when someone is referred by friend. It is true that many dentists are the first in line to suggest that you or your child see an orthodontist, but we are truly humbled when someone puts a friend as the person who recommended us.
2) We are thankful to have opportunities to help in our community. While much of what a business does seems to focus internally, our office is blessed to be able to support fundraisers and other benefits in our area. One of our biggest outreaches is in February during National Dental Health Month. Our multitalented, does-everything employee, and former pediatric nurse, Lisa Masciadrelli, will go to countless 2nd grades in two states to visit over 1,500 students with a unique dental program every year. The children get to interact, ask questions, and be candid about their dental knowledge. We are thankful that we can provide supplies and dental goodies for every child, so they can go home and share their story with their parents.
3) We are thankful for our fellow orthodontists. What may not be known is that orthodontics is not a dog-eat-dog field. Many of our local orthodontists work with us in different capacities to support each other. Our office is part of a network of orthodontists who communicate with each other directly. This circle of doctors will cover for each other when one is away. They also discuss patient cases that are unusual. These doctors will also look to each other for guidance in current issues, such as insurance regulations, or transitioning to new technology. We are thankful to have a wonderful treasure of orthodontists who support each other.

Orthotober Is Here!

October 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 11:33 pm

October is National Orthodontic Month

What better time to discuss smiles than the month where we carve groovy grins into our gourds. To help celebrate, here are a few of the top advances in orthodontics over the years that make our patients scream for joy.

1) Bandsylvania no more!  Until the 1970’s, every tooth had to be wrapped with a band to create the force needed to move teeth. For those of us horrified by the thought of separators, this is indeed an orthodontic nightmare! Now we bond a small bracket to the front of the tooth with an adhesive similar to what is used for a tooth colored filling.

2) The wrong impression:  One of our patients’ favorite upgrades to taking records or appliance fits in our office is that we no longer have to go through the impression process with “molds”. Nothing says “We Care” like getting rid of something that not only sounds legitimately gross, but is a gag for many patients as well. Paired with our 3D printer by Formlabs, we can use 3D scanner and re-create any mouth without the mold.

3) Invisable by Invisalign: The clear aligner technology with patient case videos has to be the most remarkable upgrade to orthodontia yet. Unlike “mail-order” aligners which have proven to have serious consequences for self-referred users, Invisalign has a tested, orthodontist-approved method of safely moving teeth in specific increments in the minimum amount of time possible. No bracket, no wires, no problem eating that candy!

Back to School, Back to Mouthguards

September 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 3:16 pm

In our office, it is important to remind our orthodontic patients about protection and wearing a mouthguard. While it may be common sense that wearing a mouthguard while playing sports is a good idea to avoid dental trauma, it may be also helpful to know a few interesting facts about them.

1) Give me the numbers: According to recent research, the following facts are true:
• Every year, there are about 15 million dental injuries, 5 million involved an avulsed tooth (knocked out) and a median of 26% were sports related.
• Males are twice as likely to be traumatized by a dental injury
• Children ages 7-10 are most likely to be injured.
• The National Federation of State High School Associations mandates mouthguards for only four sports: football, ice hockey, lacrosse, and field hockey. Wrestlers are mandated if they have fixed orthodontic appliances.

2) Those must be the sports with the most injuries, right? While these organized sports are top contenders for oral injury, they are not the worst contenders:
• In a study of 3,411 athletes, basketball was a top sport for orofacial injury for both males and females. In that study, none injured were wearing a mouthguard. Personally speaking, in the 20+ years I have been in practice, I have never had a patient with a dental injury from playing football, ice hockey or lacrosse. Those leagues mandate mouthguards for their players. The one sport that I see dental injuries in my patients every year is basketball. It is usually the same story: both team’s players are down at one end of the court trying to get the ball as it comes off the backboard and someone gets an elbow to the mouth. When I ask if the player was wearing a mouthguard, the answer has always been “No.”  Parents – please have your child wear a mouthguard for basketball, especially if they are in braces.
• For those younger children, baseball has the top incidence of trauma.
• Many dental injuries happen with non-contact, non-organized sports where people would not wear a mouthguard. We can vouch for the top recreational bicycle vs. pavement finding. Although not listed in this study, our office has a high incidence rate of “sibling-caused” dental injury.

3) Does it matter what type of mouthguard is worn with braces? Good question. There are several opinions on the boil-and-bite vs. stock-type mouthguard during orthodontic treatment.
Stock-type mouthguards:
Pros: fit over braces for the duration of the sport season without refitting. Allow for tooth movement during treatment time. These are the types of mouthguards we have in our office for patients.
– Cons: Must be held in place by biting, inhibiting speech. Due to their one-size-fits-most limitation, they can be more bulky and ill-fitting, causing the patient to not wear the mouthguard.
• Boil and Bite mouthguards:
– Pros: Better fitting for increased compliance, recommended by the Academy of Sports Dentistry.
– Cons: For patients in braces, as teeth move during treatment, the mouthguard needs to be frequently refit. We note an increase in breakage of braces due to forced fitting and removal of this type of mouthguard. These types can get stuck on the braces and break the braces off the teeth.
Source: Accessed September, 5, 2019

Why the Web?

August 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 11:46 pm

Welcome to the first Blog for our new website. We hope to provide user-fed, question-based information on this page that you may not be able to find on a general search. For our first Blog, it may make the most sense to give you an idea why having a current web site is important to us.

1) Who are these people?

Unlike shopping online, in the orthodontic field, you want to know a little bit about the doctor and staff with whom you might be spending a decent portion of your time. On average, including pre-exam and retention, you could be in the practice for 4 years or more. People going to an orthodontic site want to know what qualifications the doctor has, what is the staff like, what technology they use and what the hours are.

2) We are referral based.

Unlike searching online for a recipe, approximately 85% of people in our practice were specifically referred to us by a dentist, friends, or a combination of both. Only about 10% of people are insurance-referred, and only 5% or so decide they do not like the smile they see in the mirror and Google us. When people get referrals, the first place they go to is the web site to get our phone number and address. Our web site also has a great “contact us” section, by location, so people can shoot a message to us at any hour that is convenient or request an appointment.

3) Information, please.

We will have personalized “how-to” videos uploaded this fall based off of patient/parent frequently asked questions. We want to highlight information, not opinion.

Stayed tuned for our upcoming blogs as we discuss fall sports, injuries, and the need for special types of mouthguards with braces.

Welcome to our blog!

August 1, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 9:28 pm

Several weeks ago, we launched our new website and hope you like it. It is now more interactive and mobile device friendly. As part of the redesign of the site, we have now added a blog section. From time to time, we will be posting helpful information about orthodontic treatment and who knows what else!

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