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Is My Child Ready for Phase 1 Orthodontics?

February 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 5:35 pm
a child with braces visiting their orthodontist

In order to achieve a healthy and beautiful smile later in life, kids often need a little help and guidance—and because of this, braces have become a rite of passage for many children. But since there’s no “best age” for orthodontic treatment, the right time for your child to receive them is going to depend on their individual circumstances combined with what their orthodontist thinks is appropriate. Here’s a closer look at phase 1 orthodontics, which might be exactly what your child needs to set their smile up for the future.


3 Potential Risks of DIY Clear Aligners

December 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 5:29 pm
clear aligner resting in a purple case

Invisalign has become an incredibly popular orthodontic treatment in recent years. It’s capable of producing the same results as traditional braces in less time, more discreetly, and without any dietary restrictions. Given the success it’s had, it’s no surprise that there are imitators—plenty of DIY clear aligner kits claim to offer results comparable to Invisalign from the comfort of your home. However, straightening your teeth with only limited professional supervision carries significant risks. Here are some problems you might encounter from this treatment.


How Do I Know if My Child Needs Braces?

December 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 5:02 pm
portrait of a child wearing braces

To a lot of people, braces represent a very specific time in their life: that awkward phase in middle and high school when they’re still coming into their own. In actuality, however, people can benefit from braces at many ages. Not only are there plenty of adults who could do with straighter teeth, but there are also younger kids that could use early orthodontic intervention. If you have a child, here’s what you should know about when they might need braces.


Is It Okay to Play Sports with Braces?

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 10:48 pm
Closeup of athlete in football gear

Whether you enjoy playing a casual game of ultimate frisbee with your friends during the summer or are part of a professional team year-round, sports are a great way to stay in shape and build a community. Fortunately, undergoing orthodontic treatment doesn’t have to get in the way! If you are interested in straightening your teeth but would like to do a bit more research before scheduling your appointment, keep reading for the answers from your orthodontist in Westfield to a few of the most frequently asked questions about playing sports with braces.


What Are the Health Benefits of Having Straight Teeth?

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 4:29 am
woman smiles while exercising

Maybe you’ve heard that your smile is the first thing people notice. So, nobody can blame you for thinking the main benefit of straight teeth is how they benefit someone’s appearance. The truth is straight teeth have benefits that go beyond skin-deep. They can actually improve your health. Keep reading to learn from an orthodontist in Westfield how valuable properly aligned teeth really are.


Tips for Preventing & Managing Oral Sores with Braces

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 9:15 pm
Woman experiencing oral sores because of braces.

When it comes to correcting orthodontic issues, traditional braces remain one of the most tried-and-true treatment options available! These metal brackets and wires have been reliably straightening smiles for generations; however, they’ve also been causing some serious oral discomfort during that span. The good news is that this irritation isn’t something that you have to live with, and there are many things you can do yourself to better prevent and manage the discomfort caused by your braces. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist.


How to Deal with Swollen Gums Due to Braces

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 4:33 pm
Woman with braces pointing towards her gums.

Your braces can affect a lot of things inside your mouth. Not only are they working to slowly shift your teeth into a preferable position, but they can also cause swelling in your gums! This is fairly common in patients with braces, and although it’s usually temporary it can also sometimes be permanent. In any case, it can be treated! Here are some reasons for why having braces might cause your gums to swell, along with some things you can do about it.


Can You Get Braces Over the Age of 40?

April 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 11:40 pm
woman with braces

Do you feel like it’s too late for you to consider getting braces? This couldn’t be further from the truth. Just because you didn’t get them when you were in middle or high school doesn’t mean that the opportunity has completely passed you by. You are never too old to start working towards your dream smile. After all, you continue to show it off and take care of it every day. It should be something you’re proud of! Continue reading to learn several ways that adult braces can be beneficial for you.


October 2021 COVID and ILLNESS policy update

October 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 5:18 pm

Happy fall! As a reminder, the current recommendations for coming into the office are as follows:

1) If you are generally unwell- fever, congestion, coughing, sneezing, having a hard time with allergies, feeling-like-a-truck-hit-you flu-like symptoms, please reschedule. Even in non-pandemic times, we are still working in the mouth, and it is uncomfortable,unhealthy, and unnecessary for the patients and staff for you to be here instead of at home resting.

2) Please wear a mask into the office, even if you are vaccinated.

3) If anyone at home is ill, COVID or otherwise, we are allowing a 10 day “family feel-better” rescheduling period.

4) If someone at school or your home was in contact with your child and has been diagnosed with COVID, please reschedule, even if your child is asymptomatic.

Thank you for your understanding and working with us to keep everyone safe!

Dave Cordes

Update 12/29/2020

December 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 4:57 pm

Our offices are open for regular orthodontic appointments as well as new patient exams. In order to remain open safely, we ask that anyone entering the office, please review these COVID-19 screening questions in advance:

1) Over the last 3 days, have you had a fever, chills, dry cough, shortness of breath, stomach upset, extreme headache or loss of taste or smell?
2) Have you, or has anyone in your household, had close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days? Has anyone in your family bubble had to quarantine or isolate due to such an instance?
3) Have you travelled outside of your home state, other than for work purposes, in the last 14 days?

If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, we kindly ask you to reschedule your appointment. Keeping our patients, our staff and myself safe is always a top priority.

With many thanks in advance and here’s hoping for a better New Year ~ Dave Cordes

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