Whether you’ve wanted to straighten your teeth for years now or you only recently started looking into your orthodontic treatment options, it’s only natural to want to know as much as possible about the teeth-straightening process and life with braces beforehand. Fortunately, you can learn the answers to four popular questions about Spark Clear Aligners right here!
1. How Does Spark Clear Aligner Treatment Begin?
The very first step of the entire process is the consultation with your orthodontist. At this appointment, they will learn more about your dental history, determine the complexity of your case, and decide if you are eligible for Spark Clear Aligners. If you are, then they will take scans of your smile and craft your customized treatment plan!
2. How Often Do I Need to Come in For Orthodontic Visits?
Since you’ll be able to progress through some of your treatment from home, the check-in visits are nowhere near as frequent as traditional braces. While those appointments are usually every four weeks, appointments with Spark Clear Aligners are typically every six to eight weeks. Of course, the frequency ultimately depends on important factors specific to your treatment plan, including the complexity of your case.
3. Does My Spark Treatment Require Attachments?
It might! For example, if your case is a bit more complex, your orthodontist may add attachments to your treatment plan so your trays have something to grip onto, allowing them to guide even more stubborn teeth into proper alignment. The good news is that attachments are quite discreet, which ensures that no unwanted attention is drawn to your smile during your teeth-straightening journey.
4. Will the Results Last a Lifetime?
From traditional braces to Spark Clear Aligners, orthodontic treatments are designed to last a lifetime. That said, it is possible for your teeth to move back into their previously misaligned positions in the months and years following your final appointment (a phenomenon known as orthodontic relapse). To help prevent that from happening, your orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth at the end of your treatment so a custom retainer can be made. Wearing this small, discreet orthodontic appliance consistently will ensure that your teeth stay exactly where they should be.
About the Orthodontist
Our Chief Smile Maker and Orthodontist, Dr. David W. Cordes, has over two decades of experience helping patients with everything from mild spacing issues to considerable overcrowding. His approach is always the same: create custom treatment plans, use a gentle hand, and provide top-tier care every step of the way. If you’re interested in learning more about Spark Clear Aligners, including if you are a candidate, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment via our website or call one of our three conveniently located offices.