We tend to associate having braces with our teenage years because that’s when many people get them. Despite this, plenty of grown people have crooked teeth or bite misalignments and need braces, too. Unfortunately, some individuals never get the beautiful smile they deserve because they’re too worried about what others will think or say about their appearance. If you’re longing to straighten your teeth but are feeling self-conscious, keep reading to learn 4 reasons why it’s not too late to achieve your ideal smile!
Reason #1: There Are Many Options
Metal braces have historically been the only option to reposition your pearly whites, but thanks to advancements in dental technology and materials that’s no longer true. Today, there are many ways you can mend your wayward grin. For example, if you’re dealing with mildly crooked teeth, you might do better with Invisalign. Instead of having metal brackets installed on your teeth, you can use these clear plastic aligner trays which are much more discrete.
Reason #2: You’ll Improve Your Oral Health
If your teeth are overcrowded, it can be harder to brush and floss them thoroughly because you can’t always reach all the surfaces. To make matters worse, our mouths tend to gather more unwanted bacteria as we age. That means you’re more likely to develop tooth decay and gum disease now than you were in your youth. By straightening your teeth with braces as an adult, you’ll be better able to consistently clean them. This will help prevent cavities and gingivitis.
Reason #3: You Won’t Have Them Forever
Some patients dread getting braces now that they’ve left their teenage years behind. Fortunately, you won’t be wearing them forever! Typically, treatment for adults with braces takes anywhere from 14 to 26 months. That’s not that long when you think about it, but if you’re still struggling, just imagine how happy you’ll feel when you get them removed in a year or two.
Reason #4: Insurance Policies
Orthodontics can be quite an investment in resources which has deterred plenty of people from seeking treatment. Thankfully, many dental insurance plans cover portions of the cost of orthodontics for adults, which means you’ll pay less out of pocket. You’re in charge of your finances and can budget for braces without breaking the bank!
Now that you know some of the benefits of getting braces as a grown-up, set your concerns aside. Soon, you can have the perfectly straight smile you’ve always dreamed of!
About the Author
Dr. David W. Cordes has more than two decades of experience improving patients’ lives by perfecting their smiles. He attended The University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine and specializes in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. He provides a comprehensive array of services, including braces, to help people at all stages of dental development. He integrates state-of-the-art advancements in technology to offer the most current possible treatments. If you’re an adult wanting to straighten your teeth, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (860) 749-1909.