Maybe you’ve heard that your smile is the first thing people notice. So, nobody can blame you for thinking the main benefit of straight teeth is how they benefit someone’s appearance. The truth is straight teeth have benefits that go beyond skin-deep. They can actually improve your health. Keep reading to learn from an orthodontist in Westfield how valuable properly aligned teeth really are.
Increase the Effectiveness of Brushing and Flossing
When teeth are misaligned, there are more nooks and crannies for plaque and oral bacteria to potentially survive your oral health regimen. That would increase your risk of developing cavities. With straightened teeth, these “hiding places” are eliminated to make brushing and flossing more effective.
Boost Your Speaking Abilities
When someone has speech issues like a lisp or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds, something as simple as orthodontic treatment could be the answer. Your teeth work with your tongue to produce various sounds. Due to the position of certain teeth, you might not be able to make a given sound the way other people do. When your teeth are aligned, you’ll notice a change in your speech.
Aid Your Digestion
Whether genetics or orthodontic treatment gets you to a straight smile, the end result regarding eating is that it’s easier to chew your food. In turn, your body can more efficiently digest it to absorb more nutrients and avoid the gastrointestinal issues that can result from poorly chewed food.
Make Life Easier on Your Teeth, Gums, and Jaw
A misaligned bite due to crooked and crowded teeth can gradually cause problems like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, which limits the movement of your jaws and causes pain. Crooked teeth are a leading cause of teeth grinding, especially at night. Not only could these issues necessitate that you see an emergency dentist, but they can also create discomfort for you daily. In this respect, straightening your teeth provides pain relief.
On the surface, straight teeth may just seem like part of a pretty face, but they are more valuable than that. Now that you’ve learned from an orthodontist in Westfield just how much they matter, you can begin your journey to a high-functioning smile!
About the Author
Dr. David Cordes earned his dental doctorate from the University of Connecticut, then remained at the university to complete a three-year specialty program in orthodontics while also earning a Master’s in Dental Science. He is a member of the American Association of Orthodontics and the American Dental Association. If you are interested in orthodontic treatment, he offers traditional braces, clear braces, clear aligners, other orthodontic appliances, and Phase I Orthodontics. Schedule a consultation on his website or call (413) 562-8100.